Cookie Policy

IMPORTANT NOTICE: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS WEBSITE: This policy explains how cookies are used on this website. By using this site you agree to the placement of cookies on your computer in accordance with the terms of this policy. If you do not wish to accept cookies from this site please either disable cookies or refrain from using this site.

What are cookies?

'Cookies' are tiny text files that are stored by the browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome or Safari) when you visit our website. Most big websites or internet service providers do this too.

You can think of cookies as something that provides a “memory” for the website. Cookies allow our site to remember your preferences and play an important role in making the site work better for you.

How do we use cookies?

A visit to our website may generate the following types of cookie on your browser:

Session Cookie:
Webpages have no memories. A user going from page to page will be treated by the website as a completely new visitor. Session cookies enable the website you are visiting to keep track of your movement from page to page so you don't get asked for the same information you've already given to the site.
wybk_1403084087 Stores the history of bookings done using the booking widget. The cookie name starts with 'wybk_' followed by a dynamic number which makes it unique.
rembr_CC_LN Stores the country and language information which enables browser to remember the last visited country and language by the user
hideFloatingPopup Stores a flag whether to show a popup on site or not
Drupal.tableDrag.showWeight This cookie is set to store user interface preferences
Collects information about how visitors use The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, where vistors have come to the site from and the pages they visited. The information in mainly used to create reports and statistics that helps to improve our site
scayt_verLang This cookie helps our site work faster it is set when you use any text editors.
__atuvc This cookie is associated with social sharing enable visitors to share website's content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count.
has_js This cookie helps our site work faster. We use this to remind the browser whether you have javascript enabled in your browser without having to check each time the page loads.
JSESSIONID Generated by Servlet container like Tomcat or Jetty and used for session management
WLPCOOKIE Used for booking engine
Wycookiemsg Used for identifying whether user viewed “we use cookies” popup in a browser session or not.
BIGipServerOmanAir_WebServer_pool Associated with managing sessions on load balanced servers, to ensure user requests are routed consistently to the correct server.
How do I turn cookies off?

Most browsers will allow you to control whether or not they accept cookies. Instructions for configuring cookie settings in some of the most popular browsers are available from these pages:

Detailed step by step guidance on how to control and delete cookies is also available from

Certains contenus, publicités et fonctionnalités de notre site web ou de notre application mobile peuvent être fournis par des tiers, y compris des tiers qui ne nous sont pas affiliés. Ces tiers peuvent collecter ou recevoir des informations techniques sur l'utilisation de notre site web ou de notre application mobile, notamment par l'utilisation de cookies.

By continuing to browse, you agree to our terms of useprivacy policy and the use of cookies. For more information, please review our cookie policy.